Poznan, Poland

The intelligence agency you work for has put together a plan to take control of the strategic, high-security city of Poznan before one of their rivals does- this plan is known only as Project X. However, before Project X can be executed, there are still some final preparations to be carried out. There is no room for error or time to waste so they are sending in their top agents, the best of the best… YOU!

Will you manage to do what is required and help your employers to take control of Poznan once and for all?

Location:Poznan Old Town
Mission:To complete various tasks & help your employers to take control of the city!
Time limit:120 mins
STANDARD:Min: 2 adults
Max: No limit
3-6 per team

80 PLN/adult (16yrs+)
50 PLN/youth (8-15yrs)
Kids play free

* Group discounts for 10+ people
* VAT added for corporate clients
DRONE (various interactions + video):Min: 8 adults/youths
Max: No limit
4-8 per team

120 PLN/adult (16yrs+)
90 PLN/youth (8-15yrs)
Kids play free

VAT to be added for corporate clients

IMPORTANT: Please book at least 24hrs in advance.

To book, simply choose the date and time you want to play, and the number of people who will play. Fill in your contact details and send:

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Undercover City Games
Undercover City Games